Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Blog # 4 - Additional 2 pages ( Intro revision and Body I )

Natalia Duarte
Eng 103
Dr. McCormick

                                          Research Paper Draft # 2

                  President Obama’s Poorly Designed Health Care Reform.

             The making of a president and Obama’s long campaign trail explains how the politician who emerged in an extraordinary election, learned the personal and political skills necessary to make history in American Politics and worldwide. However, after more than a year in office, Obama has felt the need to address and reform the nation’s health care system. Despite the president’s good intention to aid those who cannot afford to buy private health insurance or to force employers to provide their employees heath coverage even in the smallest of business by 2014, many Americans still doubt the real benefits behind this bill.  I strongly disagree with the term “Obamacare,” commonly emphasized by the opposition. Why call it “Obamacare” when it was the Congress especially the republicans who tore this bill apart to make it what it is today. Instead of creating a whole new health system, the law tries to upgrade the current one. Their vision of reform will become the pain instead of the remedy and will be criticized as the cause of the problem when coverage starts hurting the nation’s pockets. The gap between how much Americans spend on health care and what they get in return occurs because they are embedded in a confusing system that gives them low value for their money, which makes people demand more than they need. According to William E. Lafferty, author of Healing, Medical Care, and Health Service Organizations, “ the United States has by far the most expensive health care system in the world per capita (per person).” Many indices of health care effectiveness shows that the United States fares very poorly in comparison to other developed capitalist countries. Almost all the other developed capitalist countries have universal health care. All their citizens are insured and their per capita costs are much lower. Even poor socialized Cuba provides free health care for all of it’s citizens and has a lower infant mortality rate than the U.S. I believe that president Obama’s health care bill was rushed, poorly designed and messed with by too many politicians who just simply swept the nation’s health care crisis under the rug.
      The New health Care law will cause a costly and continuous economical downturn nationwide. Peter Grier, author of Health Care Reform Bill 101; Who Will Pay For Reform? states,“ Change like that doesn't come cheap. More specifically, change like that would cost about $940 billion over its first 10 years, according to the Congressional Budget Office.” The law doesn’t make a single change to achieve its goal of insuring nearly all Americans. Instead, it provides a loose safety net designed to attract people who do not receive health coverage through employment and can't afford to buy their own, who are unemployed, and those who have been dependent on their insurance due to pre existing conditions. After the bill is enacted in 2014, insurance companies can no longer deny coverage for pre-existing conditions, with the exception of immigrants who will neither benefit from this law nor Medicaid even if they pay out of their own pockets. Moreover, everyone must purchase health insurance or face a “$695 annual fee”. According to Arthur B. Laffer, author of How to Fix the Health-Care Wedge, “a one trillion increase in federal government health subsidies will accelerate health-care inflation, lead to continued growth in health-care expenditures, and diminish our economic growth even further.” The bill plans to overtax small businesses, large employers and the rich. If business owners cannot afford their employees, the health-care recipients will lose their jobs. With the rise in unemployment, more people will have to depend on the government (welfare) to make ends meet. Additionally, they won’t be able to pay for either health insurance or imposed fees.

Work Cited:

Laffer B. Arthur.  “ How to Fix the Health-Care Wedge.”  The Wall Street Journal 5 Aug. 2009.  19 Oct. 2010.

Lafferty E. William. The Journal of  Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Healing, Medical Care, and Health Service Organizations. Washington: DOHS, 2004. PDF file.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Blog # 3- Introduction Paragraph ( President Obama's poorly designed health care reform)

        The making of a president and Obama’s long campaign trail explains how the politician who emerged in an extraordinary election, learned the personal and political skills necessary to make history in American Politics and worldwide. However, after more than a year in office, Obama has felt the need to address and reform the nation’s health care system. Despite the president’s good intentions to aid those who do not pursue health insurance or to force employers to provide their employees heath coverage even in the smallest of business by 2014, many Americans still doubt the benefits of this bill. This reform will become the pain instead of the remedy and will be criticized as the cause of the problem when coverage starts hurting the nation’s pockets. Instead of creating a whole new health system, the law tries to implement the current one, which is clearly not succeeding. The gap between how much Americans spend on health care and what they get in return occurs because they are embedded in a confusing system that gives them low value for their money. I believe that president Obama’s health care reform was rushed, poorly designed and it should have been passed in 2014, when the bill actually becomes enforced.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blog # 2 - Anotated Bibliography.

- The Following citations are listed in alphabetical order:

 Flier, Jeffrey S. "Health care reform: without a correct diagnosis, there is no cure." Journal of Clinical Investigation 119.10 (2009): 2850-2852. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 4 Oct. 2010.
In this article, the author offers views concerning the potential significance of health care reform in the U.S. He relates that good medicine means identifying and treating the cause and symptoms of disease but he stresses concern on the propose changes to Medicare benefits.

Guterman, Stuart, et al. "Innovation In Medicare And Medicaid Will Be Central To Health  Reform's Success." Health Affairs 29.6 (2010): 1188-1193. Academic Search  Complete. EBSCO. Web. 5 Oct. 2010.
In this article the author states on how the health care reform will benefit Medicaid and Medicare services. This paper presents recommendations that would maximize the new center's effectiveness in promoting reforms that can improve the quality and value of care in Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children's Health Insurance Program.

Harnden, Toby. “ Protesters Lash Our At ‘Obamacare’ ; Weekend Rally.”National Post 14 Oct.2009, national ed.: A12. LexisNexis Academic.Web. 3 Oct. 2010.

Despite a speech to Congress to quell opposition to change their minds about the health-care bill, President Obama has been facing a lot more than just irony. This article talks about the rallies and protests that have been constantly happening outside of the White House and elsewhere in the nation to overthrow the Obama “tea party.”

Hosssain, Farhana and Quealy, Kevin. “ How the Halth Care Overhaul Could Affect You.” The New York Times 21 Mar. 2010.  4 Oct. 2010<>.

In this article, the authors state the major ways that the new health care bill will affect those who currently have health insurance and those who do not. Is this Health care Law unconstitutional? Is it fair to force all Americans to buy heath insurance? Is it fair to make Americans pay a fine for not having some sort of health insurance?

Obama, Barack. Change We Can Believe In: Barack Obama's Plan to Renew America's  Promise.  New York: Three Rivers Press, 2008. Print.

This book describes President Obama’s plan to Renew Americans political flaws. Through this book, Obama outlines his vision for the country in terms of Iraq, tax reduction, social security benefits, unemployment, terrorism and last but not least, affordable health care for the American society.

"ObamaCare's Excuses." Wall Street Journal - Eastern Edition 04 Feb. 2010: A18. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 4 Oct. 2010
          In this article, the author discusses the reasons presented by U.S. President Barack Obama as to why the ‘Obamacare’ health care reform is experiencing challenges.

Obama, Barack. Change We Can Believe In: Barack Obama's Plan to Renew America's
Promise.  New York: Three Rivers Press, 2008. Print.

This book describes President Obama’s plan to Renew Americans political flaws. Through this book, Obama outlines his vision for the country in terms of Iraq, tax reduction, social security benefits, unemployment, terrorism and last but not least, affordable health care for the American society.

Parker, Ashley. “Feingold Ad Says He Fought Insurers.” The New York Times 4 Oct. 2010. 4 Oct. 2010 <http://'s health care reform&st=cse>.

This article shows Wisconsin’s Senator, Russ Feingold positive support towards president Obama’s health care bill.  Throughout his political career, he has been fighting insurance companies to guarantee access to coverage for all Wisconsin children with pre-existing conditions.

Rangel, Congressman Charles. "Health care reform: Benefit to all Americans." New York Amsterdam News 101.13 (2010): 12-28. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 6 Oct. 2010.

In this article the author discusses various benefits that the new health care reform bill will bring to all citizens in the U.S. More than 60,000 young adults up to age 26 will now be given the eligibility for coverage under their parents' insurance plans. Small businesses with 100 employees or less will be able to join the health insurance exchange through the new legislation.

Rudiger, Anja. “ From Market Competition to Solidarity? Assessing the Prospects of US Health Care Reform Plans from a Human Rights Perspective.” Health and Human Rights 10.1(2008): 123-35. JSTOR. Web. 3 Oct. 2010.

This academic journal points out how dysfunctional and debated the health care in the United Sates truly is. The author also states that if the government fails to develop a health care system that guarantees equal access to everyone, they will be denying citizens the human rights to health and health care.

- As stated in my first blog entry, I am going to upload a paper I did for my U.S Power and Politics class on how Obama won the 2008 presidential election. I have decided to search in depth some of President Obama accomplishments. The one the topic that I have decided to focus on is 'Obamacare' also known as Obama's health care reform. I would like to research it's positive and negative affects upon the American nation.