Monday, September 27, 2010

Blog #1 - Research Paper Proposal

Natalia Duarte
Prof: McCormick
Eng 103

         For my research paper this semester, I have decided to upgrade and review a paper I previously wrote for my U.S Power and Politics class. This course analyzed the relationship between the theory, form, and practice of American government and options for reforming the American political system. For the final paper, we were given various political related topics to research about. I chose to write about president Obama’s 2008 presidential victory.  I scored a good grade, but according to my instructor, I lacked strong sources. As part of my references, I used some NY Times online articles and a book called Renegade: The Making of a President, by Richard Wolfee.  This book was one of the first president Obama books, which described in detail his life before becoming the nation’s first African American chief executive, along with his accomplishments and many of his personal and political trials. I wrote an eight-page paper on Obama’s background, political career, and last but not least, his historical presidential triumph. However, Mr. Obama has been in office for over a year and I would like to research his life after he captured the presidency. I’m interested in investigating how much he has accomplished, If his candidacy promises are being kept, what bills has he signed and also if public approval ratings have increased or decreased ever since his victory. I would like to expand this paper by using better references and also by taking advantage of the library media resources center at LaGuardia’s home page. In order to obtain accurate research results for this paper, I’m going to utilize scholarly articles, academics journals and government publications. I’m looking forward to this assignment and I would like to use this class as an opportunity to enhance my research skills. After I acquire my associates’ degree in criminal justice, I plan to attend John Jay University in the spring of 2011 to pursue my masters in criminology. Hopefully, by the end of this class I will gain the right research and writing techniques to exceed my future career requirements. 

      I look forward to all of your comments. Suggestions and critiques are always welcomed as well. Good Night everyone.



  1. I like the fact that you chose to do your research paper on President Obama because I also would like to know if he is in fact keeping up the promises that he pledged to make when he became president two years ago. I also think its very cool the way how you used a book about Obama in this research compared to just articles from magazines or newspapers or web articles. It gives your paper a better look because you took time to go through the book and read it and underline or highlight key points of his life in which help mold him into the man he became today in order to become the President of the United States.

  2. Hey! Thank you for your comment and I agree with you I like Hemingway, he has a way to engage the reader. And I think you have a very intersting topic since Barack Obama is the first black president. I read his book Dreams from My Father, he wrote about his childhood and how he got to the top. It was really interesting and it inspires you because if he can do it there is no reason why we can't. I'll like to read your paper when you are done to see how your our president is doing. Good Luck!!

  3. hey natalia I like the fact that your upgrading a paper you have already done before. I really like that this time you will put all the achievements President Obama has done after he became president. I also want to know if he has kept his promises to us and how much he has accomplished small or big to help us live free in America. I believe you have everything you need to write a great paper so goodluck and I look forward to reading your paper if I can.

  4. Thanks guys, I'm glad you guys found my paper interesting and It will be my pleasure to show it to you when I'm done. Thanks once again and I'll see everyone in class tomorrow =)

  5. Hello Natii. The topic sounds intersting but I think it is still broad. You would like to cover several aspects of his career after he became the president. But you could narrow down to one specific issue that you are most interested in and compare it to what you have researched on your previous paper. News papers and online articles are timely and can be a good source of information. But I think you might want to be little skeptical and carefull as for choosing what news paper or information sources you are going to use. I think what kind of resources you use is significant in your research paper.(Politics, money and media are unbelievably closely connected and a lot of times we, public,cannot know what is really going on). So, dependeing on the source you use, your paper could possibly sound somehow onesided, which you would not want.So maybe you had better go figure out relationships between the sources and parties as well before you start just to get an idea and a big picture of it. Good luck.

    Keiko Matsuura

  6. As Keiko notes and we discessed in class, you should think of how to narrow this down to something small and precise. health care? Afganistan? Style? Support team changes? Press relations?

  7. Thank you Keiko and Dr.McCormick for such constructive critiques. I have decided to write about Obamacare. President Obama's health care bill, signed on March of this year. I believe this is a controversial topic that has both positive and negative point of views.
